Matoshri Education Society's

ACM Key Points

Promotion of Computing Education
Research and Innovation Support
Community Building
Advocacy and Outreach

Prof. Varsha H. Patil

Vice Principal, MCOERC.

Message to MASC By Head of the department

It fills me with immense pride and joy to witness the remarkable journey of our ACM Student Chapter over the past year. Congratulations on this momentous milestone! Your dedication, passion, and commitment to advancing the field of computer engineering have been truly commendable.

I extend my heartfelt appreciation to each member of the chapter for their tireless efforts in organizing an array of technical, non-technical, and social activities. These endeavors have not only enriched your academic experience but have also fostered a strong sense of camaraderie within the department.

As the Head of the Department of Computer Engineering, I am thrilled to see our students embracing their potential and contributing significantly to the broader computing community. I encourage you all to continue pushing the boundaries of knowledge, exploring innovative ideas, and inspiring one another to excel further.

Remember, success is a journey, not a destination. Let the ACM Student Chapter be the conduit for collaboration, learning, and growth. Together, let us strive to leave an indelible mark on the world of technology. Dear students and Members of the ACM student chapter, Wishing you all continued success and looking forward to witnessing the chapter's continued growth and accomplishments in the years to come.

Best wishes...

First ACM Student Chapter in Nashik Region

We take great pride in being the inaugural ACM Student Chapter in the Nashik region, pioneering a new era of technological advancement and academic excellence. As the first ACM Student Chapter in Nashik, we have embraced the responsibility of setting high standards of academic excellence, innovation, and community engagement. Through a diverse range of events, workshops, and initiatives, we strive to bridge the gap between academia and industry, empowering students with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities they need to succeed in today's dynamic digital landscape.

Join us on this incredible journey as we embark on a quest to redefine the future of technology and leave a lasting legacy in the Nashik region and beyond.

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